
Quick Start

The goldsky CLI provides a guided experience to create pipelines. Based on the input you provide, the CLI generates a pipeline definition for you behind the scenes.

To create a new pipeline, use the following command:

goldsky pipeline create <your-pipeline-name>

Example: Bored Ape Contract Events to NeonDB

In this example, we will create a pipeline that indexes Bored Ape Yacht Club contract events to a NeonDB (Postgres) database. This will include all transfers and other auxillary events associated to that address, with our ethereum decoded dataset as the source.

  1. Select a Data Source: Choose Indexed on-chain data.
  2. Choose Data Type: Opt for Ethereum - Decoded Logs.
  3. Data Processing Time: Pick Process data from the time this pipeline is created.
  4. Additional Sources: Select No when asked to add more sources.
  5. Data Filtering: Choose Yes, filter the indexed on-chain data.
  6. Contract Address: Enter the Bored Ape Yacht Club contract address, 0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d, when prompted.
  7. Transformation: Choose No when asked to add another transform.
  8. Set Up Sink: Choose a Neon DB Postgres instance.
  9. Set Up Secret: Connect your sink by following the prompts or selecting an existing one. This information is stored in your Goldsky account.
  10. Map Data to Sink Tables: Select Yes when asked to automatically map data to sink tables. Choose No if you wish to customize the table name.
  11. Additional Sinks: Select No when asked to add another sink.

Upon successful completion of these steps, an active pipeline is created. Data should start appearing in your database shortly. Monitor the table that is displayed. "RUNNING" status should appear after a minute or two. To monitor progress at any time, use:

goldsky pipeline monitor <your-pipeline-name>

For a full list of all available commands, use:

goldsky pipeline --help

If you encounter any issues, please contact us via email.

What are mirror pipelines?